The Shearwater Chronicles
The Shearwater Chronicles

I'm Martin, a restless daydreamer carving his mark to let God know we exist. I’ve performed in crowded venues and before empty seats, stumbled through mistakes and friendships, and sold art to a man with no name. I am an artist with a dog - but no secrets - and I've never told a lie.

These are the Shearwater Chronicles. Notes and essays from my creaky chair on the Island of Majorca.

I love and appreciate whenever you stop by to say hi, read, clap, or follow, and I promise to answer all your DM's and comments - even kiss you on the cheek if we ever meet.

The complete collection of my work, including contact information, is available here:

And you are more than welcome to join me on Instagram: @shearwaterchronicles

Medium member since July 2022
The Shearwater Chronicles

The Shearwater Chronicles

Truths, lies, and other tales from an island in the middle of the sea by artist & writer Martin Wærn.